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Stable builds are released once a new iteration of BepInEx is considered feature-complete. Where to download BepInExīepInEx is distributed in two builds: stable and bleeding edge. However, support for it is planned as the tooling has gotten better thanks to projects like Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower. Games built with IL2CPP are not supported at the moment. Any OS that has support for Mono (Windows, Linux, macOS).Any OS that has support for Wine (Linux, macOS, FreeBSD.Other OSes for which usage via hardpatching is possible.Linux distros with GCC 10 or newer, preferably GNU/Linux distro (x86_64 and x86 archs are supported).Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (both x86 and 圆4 are supported).Compatibility with other modding frameworks.Debugging all game assemblies with dnSpy.Running under Proton/Wine (Linux/Mac/SteamOS/etc.).Running native Unix games through Steam.

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